Singapore, 5 October 2017 – Neeuro, a technology company that specializes in mental wellness, has recently received SkillsFuture accreditation and is currently running NeeuroFIT, its mental wellness course, with People’s Association (PA) and Senior Academy.
What is NeeuroFIT?
NeeuroFIT programmes teach participants how to use cognitive-training brain games for their full benefit. Played together with SenzeBand, a wearable brainwave sensor invented by Neeuro, participants get to monitor their brainwaves to ensure optimal training results. Besides learning about brain fitness, participants also enjoy being able to spend time with their peers and support each other in training.

NeeuroFIT for Senior Academy will run for 3 hours for one session. Under Senior Academy, NeeuroFIT is a core module and is currently being run in 20 Community Clubs all around Singapore. With NeeuroFIT for Senior Academy, Neeuro wishes to help seniors reduce the risk of dementia and to educate them on the importance of mental wellness.
NeeuroFIT PA Courses range from Basic, Intermediate and Advanced courses. Any Singaporean above the age of 25 can use their SkillsFuture credits to pay for the course. The PA course will assist working adults in reducing the risk of rapid cognitive decline, maintain an ideal level of performance, as well as educate them on the importance of brain training. The Basic course runs for 4 sessions, while Intermediate and Advanced courses run for 8 sessions. Each session is 1.5 hours long.
NeeuroFIT programmes are also available for Preschool Children, Primary School Children, Corporates, and Seniors. Neeuro is also currently actively looking for partners to bring NeeuroFIT for Seniors to other countries.
Why is Brain Training Important?
A little-known fact is that a person’s cognitive ability reaches peak performance in their late 20s. From then on, performance will start to decline. Most people assume that cognitive decline only occurs in their senior years, but that is not the case. It has been shown that brain training can actually help slow down your cognitive decline and help you to maintain a higher level of performance for much longer.
About SkillsFuture
SkillsFuture is a movement to provide Singaporeans with opportunities to develop their fullest potential throughout life, regardless of their starting points. Through this movement, the skills, passion and contributions of every individual will drive Singapore's next phase of development towards an advanced economy and inclusive society.
About People’s Association and Senior Academy Programmes
The People’s Association offers endless programme opportunities for people to pick up new skills, have fun, and make new friends. Life skills and lifestyle courses organised at their community facilities and their grassroots organisations develop every aspect of your life.
Senior Academy encourages seniors, 50 years old and above, to pursue lifelong learning aspirations and lead an active lifestyle by providing accessible and affordable senior-friendly programmes.
About Neeuro
Founded in 2013, Neeuro is a leading brain technology platform that is dedicated to empowering people to live happier and healthier lives through neuro-technology and gamification. Developed in collaboration with national research institutes, Neeuro’s products and services such as NeeuroFIT focuses on digital brain health and education technology to help people of all ages to optimise their brain’s potential.
Neeuro works globally with partners such as training providers, technology system integrators and schools to benefit children. Using modern solutions for cognitive training, cognitive skills such as attention and memory are emphasized and honed. NeeuroFIT programmes are available for Preschool Children, Primary School Children, Corporates and Seniors.
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