NeeuroFIT Class

A modular Brain Training program, using the Memorie mobile application, that seeks to improve the following cognitive functions:

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Decision Making

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Cognitive Flexibility

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Spatial Ability

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Paired with the Neeuro SenzeBand 2, to provide essential EEG information and mental states during the training.

Course Breakdown

There are four courses: Foundation, Developmental, Holistic and Advanced. Each course is made up of 12 forty-five minute sessions and uses the different games in the Memorie application to train particular cognitve skills. There will also be three assessments within the 12 sessions to monitor and track the training progress of each participant.

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Establish basic learning abilities for doing well in school or in life in general. Train in 6 games offering simple challenges in cognitive skills.

Who’s Who

Who's Who

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Farmhouse Friends

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Space 360

Flower Garden

Flower Garden

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Thread & Needle

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Psychic Cyclist

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Level up cognitive abilities by adopting skills in simulated scenarios. Get introduced to mental flexibility with these games.



Supreme Shopper-01

Supreme Shopper

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Sushi Recall

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Activity Book

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Psychic Cyclist

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Advanced course for experiencing the application of cognitive skills in a more complex, simulated environment.

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Dot Connect

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Multi-task Master

Junction Control

Junction Control

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What's This Word

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Thread & Needle

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The most advanced NeeuroFIT course. Train using cognitive and attention booster games that go beyond the progressive challenges to help maximize cognitive adaptations.

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Multitask Master

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Pyramid Solitaire

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Memory Mahjong

Sitting Ducks

Sitting Ducks

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Our solution enables participants to develop their cognitive functions using a structured curriculum, using fun and engaging games developed by Neeuro together with neuroscientists. When a participant enrolls for NeeuroFIT, they not only get to play games and achieve good games scores, they will also be trained to hone specific cognitive skills through repetition and goal setting. NeeuroFIT is also paired with the Neeuro SenzeBand 2, that helps to provide essential EEG information and mental states during the training.

The results differ from person to person. Intensity and consistency of training matters,and whether the games are being played properly is another factor. Typically, at least 15 hours of training is required before improvement can be seen. That is why participants are encouraged to progress to the rest of the courses under NeeuroFIT to fully benefit from the programme.

As cognitive skills such as focus, memory, decision-making, visual-spatial skills and serve as the basis of your mental capabilities, continuous brain training to improve these functions could lead to better mental performance as you learn skills for a higher attention span, reducing careless mistakes, and making decisions.

Cognitive functions are the ways in which our brain operates. From sensory perception (your face senses), logic, and decision making, all the way to emotional self – regulation. Key cognitive functions needed would be the ability to think, learn, and remember. We provide training games for attention, memory, decision making, spatial and cognitive flexibility. There are many other types, for example, motor skills, language, anticipation, the theory of mind, inhibition, and emotional self-regulation.

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