Brain Teasers - Stroop Test and Stroop Effect

Posted by Kelly Choo on 23 September 2018


Friday Brain Teasers: How Quickly Can You Process Two Different Streams of Information?


Prepare to time yourself, or have a friend time you, using a watch or a timer with a second hand. This is one of the best brain teasers out there, so get ready!

Stoop Test A

Read out loud the words – disregard the colors themselves:

Stroop effect test a

How long did that take?

Stoop Test B

Read out loud the colors of the words – disregard the words themselves:

Stroop test

How long did that take?



Noticeably, it took considerably longer to read the colors in Test B, didn’t it?

Brain Teasers like this is known as the Stroop effect, named for American psychologist John Ridley Stroop, who made it famous in 1935. Recognizing colors and reading words at the same time, and then resolving the conflict between their meanings, creates a kind of mental interference that slows a person’s processing time. Furthermore, the more you can focus on just one stream of information, the faster the result.

Want to know how you stack up?

aging stroop effect

Let us see the results of three experiments: Now, let us see the results of three experiments:

    1. The average 16-year-old completed Test A in about 10 seconds and Test B in about 20 seconds.
    2. Meanwhile, the average 20-year-old completed Test A in about 12 seconds and Test B in about 24 seconds.
    3. Lastly, the average 40-year-old completed Test A in about 14 seconds and Test B in about 39 seconds.

Additionally, times increase with age, particularly for Test B. Additionally, times increase with age, particularly for Test B.


Wasn't in fun and challenging? Share this with your families, co-workers or co-students and see how they stack up! 

Adapted from:

If you want to practice the stroop test in a fun way, download the Memorie App and play the Multitask Master Game!


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